Dr. Torsten Hädrich

I am a Co-founder of GreenMatterAI and PhD graduate from KAUST, where I joined the Computational Sciences Group of the Visual Computing Center (VCC). My research interests are the physically-based simulation of natural phenomena and interactive modeling approaches in the field of Computer Graphics. Before, I obtained my MSc. (Information Engineering) degree from the University of Konstanz and BSc. (Computer Science and Media) degree from the Stuttgart Media University.


Generating Diverse Agricultural Data for Vision-Based Farming Applications
M. Cieslak, U. Govindarajan, A. Garcia, A. Chandrashekar, T. Hädrich, A. Mendoza-Drosik, D. L. Michels, S. Pirk, C.-C. Fu, W. Palubicki
Agriculture-Vision 2024, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024)

A Physically-inspired Approach to the Simulation of Plant Wilting
F. Maggioli, J. Klein, T. Hädrich, E. Rodola, W. Palubicki, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels
SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Paper, ACM, 2023
Website | PDF

Ecoclimates: Climate-response Modeling of Vegetation
W. Palubicki, M. Makowski, W. Gajda, T. Hädrich, D. L. Michels, S. Pirk
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2022
Website | PDF

DCGrid: An Adaptive Grid Structure for Memory-Constrained Fluid Simulation on the GPU
W. Raateland, T. Hädrich, J. A. Amador Herrera, D. Banuti, W. Palubicki, S. Pirk, K. Hildebrandt, D. L. Michels
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2022
Website | PDF

From Stormscapes to Wildfires: On the Physically-based Modeling and Simulation of Complex Natural Phenomena
T. Hädrich, PhD Thesis, 2021

Weatherscapes: Nowcasting Heat Transfer and Water Continuity
J. A. Amador Herrera, T. Hädrich, W. Palubicki, D. T. Banuti, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2021
Website | PDF | Two Minute Papers

Fire in Paradise: Mesoscale Simulation of Wildfires
T. Hädrich, D. T. Banuti, W. Palubicki, S. Pirk, and D. L. Michels
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2021
Website | PDF | Video | EurekAlert! | 80.lv | Two Minute Papers

Accurately Solving Physical Systems with Graph Learning
H. Shao, T. Kugelstadt, T. Hädrich, W. Palubicki, J. Bender, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS (2021)
Website | Video

Stormscapes: Simulating Cloud Dynamics in the Now
T. Hädrich, M. Makowski, W. Palubicki, D. T. Banuti, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2020
Website | PDF | Video | Technical Papers Trailer | Phys.org | EurekAlert! | 80.lv

Interactive Wood Fracture
T. Hädrich, J. Scheffczyk, W. Palubicki, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels
Eurographics / ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation - Posters, 2020

Wind Erosion: Shape Modifications by Interactive Particle-based Erosion and Deposition
V. Krs, T. Hädrich, D. L. Michels, O. Deussen, S. Pirk, B. Benes
Eurographics / ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation - Posters, 2020

Synthetic Silviculture: Multi-scale Modeling of Plant Ecosystems
M. Makowski, T. Hädrich, J. Scheffczyk, D. L. Michels, S. Pirk, W. Palubicki
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2019
Website | PDF | Video | 80 Level | Two Minute Papers

On the Accurate Large-scale Simulation of Ferrofluids
L. Huang, T. Hädrich, D. L. Michels
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2019
Website | PDF | Video | Phys.org | EurekAlert! | 80 Level | Two Minute Papers

Interactive Wood Combustion for Botanical Tree Models
S. Pirk, M. Jarzabek, T. Hädrich, D. L. Michels, W. Palubicki
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2017
Website | PDF | Video | Two Minute Papers | 80.lv

Interactive Modeling and Authoring of Climbing Plants
T. Hädrich, B. Benes, O. Deussen, S. Pirk
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics), 2017
Honorable Mention Award
Website | PDF | Video | Two Minute Papers

Windy Trees: Computing Stress Response for Developmental Tree Models
S. Pirk, T. Niese, T. Hädrich, B. Benes, O. Deussen
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2014
Website | PDF | Video